sábado, 10 de março de 2018

How to write a Composition

▪ What is a composition type of text?

According to the online Cambridge Dictionary It’s “ a short piece of writing about a particular subject, done by a student”. Also known as a Review The main purpose of a review is describing, judging or even expressing a personal opinion about something based on what the writer knows or has experienced. Both Description and explanation are key functions for this time of text and it will normally include a recommendation to the reader.
Writing a composition can be fun if you do it the right way. Here you can check some exceptionally useful tips on making a good composition.

▪ Tips for Writing an Introduction to a City

▪ Read, watch, or listen information about it more than once, to confirm your first overall impressions.

▪ Discuss one aspect of the city in each paragraph. For example, one paragraph about general facts and population, one paragraph about industries, one paragraph about culture, etc.

▪ Use resources to help you find facts about the city, you can use this https://alphaidiomas.blogspot.com.br/2018/01/composition-tips.html to assist you. Keep in mind to check for more online.

▪ Take a stand by stating your opinion, being it negative, positive or mixed;

▪ Attention at the usage of possessive adjectives when writing about a city. For example, Its (not his/her) main exports are ...

▪ When using numbers, write out the numbers up to twenty. For larger numbers, use numerals. For example: There are two professional sports organizations ... BUT there are over 130,000 inhabitants in XYZ.

 ▪ Write 'million' when expressing very large numbers. For instance: 2.4 million people live in the greater metro area.

▪ Make sure to CAPTALIZE specific names of companies and monuments.

 ▪ Never forget to include all the advanced grammar you are learning. If you learnt a new tense or technique, be sure to use it at your next composition, this way, your composition will turn from an ordinary text, to a masterpiece of writing. (Read more)

▪ Formula to write a composition

1 - Introduction: For every composition (except poetry), you will need to introduce either your topic and position (for an essay) or characters, plot and setting (for narrative, short story and play) or place and its general information.
2 - Body:  As mentioned on the tips above, the body can be made of several paragraphs talking about different topics inside the main subject of the composition. For example, a composition about a city could have separate paragraphs mentioning food, culture, touristic spots, nightlife, safety, cost of life, weather and seasons, people’s behavior and so on (not necessarily on the order mentioned).
3 – Conclusion:  This simply wraps up what you have said in your composition. It can basically restate what you said in your introduction. If your composition is longer, you can sum up your main points. Try to phrase them a little differently so it will not sound repetitive.
Use P-O-W-E-R: This is one of the best writing techniques out there. You have done the P-plan, O-organize and W-write components; now you will finish with E-edit and R-revise. You will do this for every type of writing. Reread your work. Look for spelling, grammar, and content mistakes.

 Analyze critically the information you get

Analyzing all the data you’ve found on the internet is an important process to create a very good composition. You have a great departure point using your Material from Alpha Idiomas, however go for more, keep in mind that time flies, and things change quickly.
 You can do so by:
·          ▪ Checking its integrity.
·          ▪ Comparing to other sources.
·          ▪ Asking to people that have direct contact with the subject.

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